Thursday, January 3, 2013

All I Want for Christmas….

You may have read over the Christmas period the rather saddening reports that a ‘dad’ was the tenth most longed-for ‘present’ on children’s Christmas wish lists.
A survey of 2,000 parents, conducted by Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City revealed that, along with the expensive ‘must have’ toys and an array of pets, a number of children wished for a father in their lives.
The survey highlights the breakdown of family life. Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics show that the number of children living in single-parent families in the UK has risen steadily but significantly from 1.6 million in 1996 to 2.0 million in 2012.*
From our dealings with clients we appreciate that it is not always through choice that many fathers, and indeed mothers, are prevented from being involved in their child’s life. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for the resident parent to be obstructive to the contact between a child and their non-resident parent. We are frequently asked by clients to write to their former partner to negotiate the arrangements for contact (formerly known as access). This is not just at Christmas but is a year-round problem for many families. On some occasions it is necessary for parents to apply to the Family Courts for a Contact Order.
Since April 2011 it is necessary for most cases to be referred to mediation before an application to the Court can be made. Mediation is a process whereby a trained, impartial mediator meets with the parties together and assists them to reach a resolution between themselves. If mediation is unsuccessful then it is possible to make an application to the Court.

In the absence of any welfare concerns the Court operates under a presumption that contact between a child and their non-resident parent is in the best interests of the child. Contact can take many forms including ‘supported’ contact at a local contact centre to ‘staying’ contact. The process may be resolved by agreement at an early stage or may proceed to a final hearing whereby a judge will make a decision as to the type and frequency of contact. The Court treats very seriously the issue of contact between children and their parents and relatively recent developments in the law has seen the introduction of custodial sanctions for resident parents who continue to obstruct contact in breach of a Court order.

If you are experiencing difficulties maintaining contact with your children or you wish for some advice as to how to manage your child’s contact with your former partner please contact our Family Team. We offer a one-off Fixed Fee meeting during which we can address your queries and advise you as to your options. Our fees are £50 + VAT for the Fixed Fee meeting.

Please feel free to contact Sophie Key, Solicitor, or Amy Walpole, Partner, on 01603 675648 or email

*Office for National Statistics ‘Families & Households 2012’ Statistical Bulletin 1st November 2012.

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