Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Panto

On Thursday 6th January 2011 for the second year running we hosted a late Christmas party for 24 children associated with the Charity, Nelson's Journey at the Theatre Royal in Norwich instead of sending Corporate Christmas cards.  The children were joined by some of the cast from the panto and Nelson the Cat, the symbol of the Charity, during the party.  After the party the children watched the Pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk and a great time was had by everyone, even the adults and helpers as the photographs show!
Nelson's Journey is a Charity based in Norfolk which helps children affected by a bereavement of some kind and does some sterling work in rebuilding confidence and acceptance in those children. We are delighted to announce that they will be our chosen Charity for 2011 and we look forward to working closely with them to raise lots of money for them under their project called "Smiles Appeal" during the year. 
Further information about the Charity can be obtained from www.nelsonsjourney.org.uk.

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