The Rogers & Norton HMRC and UK Border Force Litigation team were delighted to help with the restoration of a valuable bottle of whisky, valued at £50,000.

The goods were seized by UK Border Force at Heathrow Airport. We challenged the legality of the seizure and applied for restoration. On Review, it was accepted that the seizure as disproportionate and that the bottle had been passed through the family and had a sentimental value attached to it. We made a full submission that addressed legality (we considered the seizure was unlawful) and also submitted substantial grounds for restoration. Our client’s testimonial stated “I just wanted to thank you for all your effort in obtaining this result…… I really think that if it wasn’t for me finding you when I read one of your “case studies” online by pure chance, this dreadful episode in my life would have been much worse. I have learnt that dealing with Border Force is like seeking the Holy Grail in one of those Indiana Jones movies with all these traps set to make you fail. The only chance of success is to have an Indiana Jones like you! “
We are regularly contacted by individuals and companies who have had goods seized or detained by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) or the UK Border Agency and we have a high level of success in recovering the items. The team deals with the worldwide importation of goods to the UK, including the huge market from China, Europe, America and Mexico. We work with clients who want goods restored at all major ports of entry, such as Felixstowe and London Gateway, together with Stansted, Gatwick & Heathrow. We are currently dealing with numerous issues relating to Nitrous Oxide, THC, and classification issues on imports from China. We can also advise on PPE issues relating to Duty and VAT.
We are experienced in Magistrates Court proceedings; First Tier Tax Tribunal; Court of Appeal; European Convention on Human Rights; Administrative Court and Injunctions and can assist with Tax, Duty and Vat claims and issues. Our team also specialise in investigations, interviews and matters relating to the Export Control Order 2008.
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