GP Registrar Training Day
28th Mar 2019
I was delighted to be recently asked once again, to join with Accountants Lovewell Blake in conducting a seminar with a group of GP Registrars at one of their training days at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.

GP practices continue to find it a real challenge to recruit new partners, so a day having access to experts who can talk about the financial and legal intricacies that they will shortly face, is hugely beneficial to the new GP’s.
GP registrars are the future of private practice, but this is in itself an ever moving and changing thing. From talking to them it is clear that they are nervous of undertaking partnership liabilities and in particular liability for the practice premises, as they are uncertain as to what the future holds.
Because I deal with so many GP practices I am able to understand and hopefully help with their concerns, not only by giving examples of the issues that can arise, but by also explaining the benefits of having an up to date current partnership agreement which in the long run is very good value for money.
I am constantly reviewing my precedent to ensure the draft will be relevant. I am able to do this because of having the in depth knowledge that I have accumulated over the last 20 years of looking after GP practices.
Because I deal with GP surgery ownership issues, I am up to date with the current thinking on leases for GP surgeries and what rent etc NHS England will reimburse. I am therefore able to advise how GP’S can best protect themselves from being the “last man standing” in a partnership.
It was good therefore, to be able to talk through these issues with the next generation of potential GP partners to explain the current position and hopefully help them to understand how they can best protect themselves.
In all it was a very well received talk, a very good turn out and for which we received very positive feedback.
Rogers & Norton have built a strong reputation as acknowledged experts in relation to dealing with medical practices, should you need any advice or support you can contact:
Richard Etheridge on 01603 675634 or email
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